P’tit Punch

Chic Choc Spiced Rum Easy Adventurer, Classic

Our Quebec version of the Ti-Punch is made with apple, the emblematic fruit of the province and of the fall! The apple taste pairs perfectly with the Chic Choc rum’s spices to offer a memorable experience.


  • 45 ml (1 ½ oz.) Chic Choc Spiced Rum
  • 15 ml (½ oz.) lime juice
  • 7.5 ml (¼ oz.) simple syrup
  • 15 ml (½ oz.) raw apple juice
  • A slice of apple, blueberries and/or a sprig of rosemary, fir, or spruce


  • In an old-fashioned glass filled with ice, pour all liquid ingredients.
  • Stir vigorously with a spoon.
  • Garnish with a crunchy or dehydrated slice of apple, a few blueberries and a sprig of rosemary, fir, or spruce to add forest aromas.

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